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Wow.  That’s all I have to say after finishing the first sample set of cases.  I went from this:

To this:

And only broke one drill bit and slightly dented a boring bar.  Not too bad.  This one set of parts created nearly 2-55gal drums full of chips and a bunch of cutoff sections.  This was definitely the most complex machining job yet.  Although there were a couple of digitizing errors they were able to be patched up and these cases are useable for dyno testing.  I’m very happy with the results so far although it has taken longer than expected to reach this point.

The rough assembly shots are not that good as I was rushing to send them to Bruce so he could test them before going away.

After dyno testing I will make any updates needed then hopefully be able to jump right into a 5-10 set order.  That will definitely keep the mill busy for a while and the metal recycler flush with turnings.  Hopefully I’ll be able to coordinate with Gregor and get some nice photos of the parts.

Now back to some 4-stroke work!


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  • Anonymous

    Absolutely stunning work, man! Congratulations, and hats off from Sweden!

  • Unknown

    Wow..great work done i must say..and also you written well..:-)
    i did enjoyed visiting here. thanks for your this special post..and continue posting such post here in future too. it would be nice if you can share some information related to auto transport carriers here in your future posts..


  • Anonymous

    Nice work! I´ll give you a call when my two engine cases are worn out. 😉

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