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I just realized there’s no info on what we are building on this blog. You can find more info at, a URL name whose significance is largely irrelevant to our efforts at this point, but here’s a primer. Hopefully saner minds will prevail and they will open up the specification to more engine configurations in the future.

Anyway, we started this project after seeing the FIM release with the initial Moto2 rules.

Here’s a good analysis of them by David Emmett of

This quickly changed to a Honda spec engine which dashed our hopes. Ever the outsiders we decided to continue on and build our dream bike, which does not include any part of a CBR600. Now we have finished with the design and are starting fabrication of the following bike:

The chassis and suspension designs have been race tested over the past 7 years with good success. This bike is taking all we learned and incorporating a custom designed V4 engine as a powerplant. As soon as we have a rolling chassis we will be doing development, internally at first, then partnering with Celtic Racing, a top AMA race team, with access to top rated national riders, as the bike comes up to speed. We’ll enter a few local club races by the end of the season and see how the bike does in competition.

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