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Although I have not a chance to do more bike work I have been busy.    Sometimes I feel a bit like a one trick pony:  start with a billet of aluminum, end up with lots of chips and a few parts.  See below.  At least these parts were for a true racebike.  Maybe I need to do some welding to break out of the funk?

I hope to get back to some bike parts in the next week ot 2.


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    I thought the Moto2 engine was supplied by Honda? I want to hear more on how you use Pro/ENGINEER with the CNC machine. Great work! – bart brejcha

  • coseng

    Moto2 is spec Honda but initially it was an open engine with specification limitations:

    I started the project when these rules were released but then was blindsided by the change to a spec honda engine. Oh well.

    For machining I import the Pro-E into an older version of Mastercam. Its a bit cumbersome but works.


  • gigino

    So? πŸ™‚

  • Anonymous

    Hope you are well. I keep checking the blog hoping to see some
    new progress on the bike but alas, it is not.

    Of course you've got to do the work that pays the bills first, but do
    you have a general window of time for completion? Joe

  • coseng

    Joe, I'll be getting some more parts done soon but don't have a timeframe for completion. I can do small parts when time allows as they are usually done with stock on hand and only cost my time but to get the bike running there are some decent sums that need to be spent that I simply don't have. When I do then progress will be brisk but until then it will be glacial.

  • Anonymous

    Recipe's from scratch always take longer, but taste so much better than canned.

    Great work. Joe

  • coseng

    Thanks, never though of it that way.

  • Unknown

    Get your ass off the sofa and make some more chips. πŸ™‚ Jordan

  • Gooichimotors

    Ditto…. get on it! Its been too long since you last posted!

  • coseng

    Sorry guys but its hard to make progress with no funds. I'd love to make bike parts but nobody is paying me to do that so paying jobs take priority. The rent must be paid.

  • Gooichimotors

    understandable! In the same boat!

  • Gooichimotors

    So since they changed to the honda specs for your class what are you building this motor for?

  • coseng

    Many reasons. To prove a point that a FFE can be fast. Personal satisfaction. Engineering challenge. A great calling card showcasing my abilities. The sweet taste of achievement I expect to taste on the first ride. I love answering the question 'What is that?!?!?' Nothing better to do with all my spare time and money. The list goes on and on. πŸ˜‰

  • Anonymous

    What's up? Is there any glimmer for progress still in sight?
    Hope you're well. I keep wondering if you were hit hard by Sandy as one reason why business is stagnant and progress is "glacial."

  • coseng

    Joe, yes I'll be posting an update on some chassis stuff that's been starting up. Sandy is in the past for my area and busines is starting to perk up a bit so that means I can hopefully make some progress again.

  • Anonymous

    What a neat bunch of bits littering your bench!

    Hope things are picking up for you.

    Best of Luck


  • coseng

    Thanks! It is a very interesting benchtop, especially for a 2 stroke fan.

    Things are picking up a bunch. I have a lot of machine work, most boring but some interesting. Also doing a 2WD conversion on 2 KTM 950s for a couple of hardcore adventure riders. You can see some info at

    Its a two edged sword, I have some money to work on the V4 project but now no time! I will be getting moving on the chassis castings and swingarm fixtures when this current glut of work tapers off.

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