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Big Day!!

I just received some images of the first sample cast pieces for the front suspension and steering systems. The parts are done with the V-Cast sand casting process by TPI Arcade/Harmony Castings. The v-cast process gives better tolerances, less porosity, and a finer surface finish when compared to traditional sand casting. It also requires no draft on external surfaces, which is a nice bonus. Another benefit is the process is somewhat environmentally friendly as most of the sand used does not need to be cleaned because no binder is used in the sand for the cope and drag sides of the mold.

The crankcase castings are being done with the same technique but are taking longer due to the increased complexity and number of cores. It will be another month or so before I receive crankcase samples. In the interim we are waiting for our custom trunnion table and several custom boring bars to be completed which will be needed to do the various post machining operations on the various parts.

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  • Anonymous

    Those are some nice looking castings, Chris. Anxious to see this build move forward!


  • coseng

    Thanks. These will be the first parts to be machined on the trunnion table and will be a warm up for the crankcase castings.

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